Liquid Collagen – Youth in a Glass?

Why do we want it?

Research shows that liquid collagen has impressive benefits for our hair, skin and nails. That’s all we needed to hear for “us ladies” to be focused on the “skin” part of that benefit…mostly. Who doesn’t want to support their facial skin from the inside out and have the added benefit of great hair, nails, and joint protection? If you don’t need to “read” about it, go to the bottom of this post and “act” on it.

Liquid Collagen
Liquid Collagen

What is liquid collagen anyway?

It is a protein; protein peptides to be exact, suspended in liquid. Collagen is what gives our skin its elasticity and support structure, and provides joints, tendons, ligaments with that same support.

These collagen proteins are hydrolyzed and broken down into amino acids, or peptides, so the body can absorb them better. Hydrolyzed proteins are the way to go for maximum absorbability. Since collagen is really just amino acids, find one that has a full profile of amino acids. Moreover, collagen from grass fed cows has proven to have a fuller amino acid profile from those that are not grass fed, and bovine collagen is type I collagen.

But liquid collagen is not just hype geared towards women wanting to appear more youthful; there is science behind it. Thousands of clinical studies show positive results from supplementing with collagen. Important to note, our natural collagen production slows down after the age of 30, and slowly plummets. Supplementation becomes necessary to maintain collagen levels and achieve a more youthful appearance. No, we don’t have to, we choose to. And it’s really not something you can get too much of. It is a protein, and you can certainly get too much protein, but a collagen supplement is not going to be an overdose for you unless you use it unnaturally; like the equivalent of eating 20 steaks at one time or consuming an entire cannister of protein powder at one time. Who does that? So, safety is not an issue.

How we use liquid collagen

Firstly, we double up on our collagen supplementation for the first 30 days so that we can get our body back to a baseline of collagen production, for a good start. By taking 2 tablespoons of liquid collagen per day, after the first 30 days, you are giving your body what it needs to support your skin, hair and nails, and do a repair job for us older folks. Liquid collagen is an easy way to get your collagen in, readily bio-available, “down it and done”, and not have to worry about finding some beverage to put a powder in; hope it dissolves, and hope it tastes good, and drink it all. This is only one of the reasons that liquid trumps powder. Oh, and we also add hyaluronic acid for skin plumpness from the inside out. But that’s for another discussion. Good stuff.

Bottom line: Because it’s a protein, collagen supports hair and nails as well, but sagging and lack of support is most evident in the face, so we pay more attention to that. Type I liquid collagen is best for skin, hair and nails. If you include several types of collagen, you are essentially watering down your focus. For vanity reasons, we’re putting our best face forward 🙂

Ready to order?

GO HERE, within this website, See GLOW Liquid Collagen. This is the one we use to nudge time backwards, and our age rhymes with “tricks zero” and then some.

You will see an Ordering Tutorial, and Before & After Section.

We’re here to help. Use the Contact page to tell us how we can help and we’ll get in touch within 24 hours. And if you want to order now and contact us later…. Order here:

Becky and Patti

Health Becomes You, from the Inside Out.

Zna Trainer is Oxygen to the Health Crowd

I met Zna Trainer, for the first time, in April this year; having no real idea what health crowd she catered to. She had been my Facebook friend for some time, and although we had mutual “health respect” for each other, our paths had not crossed. Then, she called me to talk about our common interests.  I felt like I was handed a very important gift.

As a health coach, I am always with my ear to the ground, listening for  health secrets that are not mainstream, but are backed up by scientific evidence and good ol common sense. (And, I will cover the evidence in my next post.) What Zna communicated to me floored me.  Why?

Oxygen Kills Cancer
You’re thinking, “so what”! There are a lot of things that kill cancer cells, but no one really talks about them.  Over the years, it has become known to doctors and supplement representatives that a myriad of natural substances can kill cancer, and a lot of us know that cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline environment; therefore the growing buzz about eating an alkaline diet and testing your ph….but oxygen?

I certainly don’t know it all, and the news on exactly how to improve your oxygen levels  had not come my way before.  Why not?  I presume it is because it is not as simple as “deep breathing” or inhaling, or being hooked up to an oxygen mask.  Zna has a technique.

Cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic, acidic environment, and it is a double whammy when you learn that acidic bodies have trouble using oxygen.  Give Cancer cells low oxygen and a high sugar diet and you will have happy Cancer cells!  Since most Americans eat an acidic, high-sugar diet, we are clearly doomed :O   Or are we?    Back to Zna Trainer…..

Zna Trainer has had it all figured out, for a long time, since 1973 to be exact.  She knows that oxygen kills cancer, and has developed a program to oxygenate the body, along with unique movements that create a lean, sculpted body; using her techniques that go along with her certification in Exercise Physiology.   I will also provide some of her amazing testimonials in posts to come.  How does this all happen?

Oxygen Burns Fat!

Yes, oxygen burns fat, and I don’t have to run, or bike or swim or any of that in order to accomplish that, if I’m working with Zna.  I’m not just excited at the possibilities, I am excited because I am a client and am beginning to experience health benefits first-hand.  So much info to absorb at . I don’t have much weight to lose but I have a lot of health to gain, and I will take you on this “oxygen journey” with me.


Four Vital Elements of Health Everyone Must Obey

Welcome to healthbecomesyou. If you’re new here, go ahead and subscribe to the RSS feed or leave your name and email to receive a regular newsletter.

The owner of this blog, Becky Joubert, and I have become good buddies. She has helped to inspire me to get back into shape, and now I consult with her about it.

Becky has invited me to be a regular blogger here where I will be posting on in this section called Longevity Guide for Fitness and Health.

I encourage you to follow along my journey because what I am currently facing is what many of us face – time challenges, on and off motivation and life balance. These things affect our health.

But I have the will to get back in shape because as cliché as it sounds, all this hard work I’ve put into creating a lifestyle that I desire will go down the drain without good health.

My good health is no longer a “should,” it’s now a “must.”

If this sounds interesting, keep reading, or bookmark this page so you can come back later. Becky and I will be here for the long haul.

Here in my little corner of the healthbecomesyou blog, I’ll provide insight on nutrition and fitness for everyday regular people.

Leave a comment (at the bottom of his post) and let me know what you think!


Every journey begins with a story, so today I would like to explain a few things about me so you have an understanding of where I’m starting from.

My hope is that you use what my situation to apply it to your situation. All situations are different, but there is certainly a thread to follow here.

I’ve always been athletic. I played college baseball. I played a lot of pick-up basketball, and enjoyed many long days at the park playing Frisbee.

I’ve always had eaten healthy: lots of greens, plenty of fruit, and since the late 1990s, always organic.

For eight years, I was a teacher. I had a predictable schedule: up at 5:30 a.m. for a tall glass of water and a brisk walk around the neighborhood, stretches on a mat, push-ups, crunches and pull-ups.

Breakfast was two eggs scrambled bagel and French press coffee. I’d grab an apple, banana and tea bag to go for a mid morning snack. I never got hungry. I was always snacking, or eating small meals.

At school, I’d drink from my water bottle, which held 32 ounces of water. I drank three: one before lunch, one after and another once the students left for the day.

On my way home from school, I’d often stop at the local gym to play racquetball, or lift weights, or run on a treadmill. On the weekends, I’d get up the mountain for cross country skiing, or pedal my street bike up the rugged geography of Portland, Oregon or find friends to play games of basketball or Frisbee.

I was always moving.

And it was very natural to fall right asleep around 10:30 or 11 p.m. I usually didn’t have a hard time falling asleep, or waking again at 5:30 a.m.

When I really break this down, and reflect upon that old lifestyle of mine, I met four vital requirements for health.

1. Sleep
2. Water
3. Exercise (some form of Movement)
4. Nutrition

But because of some life changes, I was no longer comfortable with the security of being a teacher. In fact, I began to seek a career change.

Here’s a quick note about “change.” We don’t really change until we are uncomfortable. For me, the thought of teaching for 30-35 years was so depressing and uncomfortable, that I aggressively sought after a change.

Just like now, after being sedentary for the last 18 months, I have become so uncomfortable with my body, that I am getting aggressive about change.

I have spent the previous two years learning to find a synergistic approach that combines the advantages of blogging, with the leverage points of traditional Internet marketing, and the opportunities inherit within social media so I could have an internet business.

So I could create a new lifestyle for myself where I didn’t depend on a j.o.b. Where I didn’t have a “9-5” and where I could eventually work half as hard and make twice as much.

Yes, the grass truly is greener on the other side. It’s just a septic field to cross getting there. And although I’m not quite to the point of making twice as much and working half as hard, I’ve “made it” for all intent and purposes.

BUT, and here is the big BUT,
I’ve let the most important thing slip.
I’ve let the thing that I covet most gather dust.
I’m out of shape.

This means that I sat in front of the computer a lot! For the previous 18 months, I’ve abandoned my body and spent much to much time in front of the computer screen.

Recall the four vital requirements of health (above). I’ve majorly slipped in these areas. But it’s these areas that I am going to focus on FIRST.

  • Water Consumption – you should be drinking 8 eight oz glasses per day. I was replacing water with coffee.
  • Sleep – you should get 6-8 hours per night. I was pulling all-nighters, sleeping odd hours, and not keeping consistency. This resulted in trouble falling asleep and waking up.
  • Nutrition – you should eat smaller & healthier meals spread out more often throughout the day. I was forgetting to eat until I’d feel this rush of hunger. Then I’d mash down two plates of water I could find as fast as I could.
  • Cardio-Vascular fitness & strength training – you should aim for 20-30 minutes of cardio-vascular fitness and/or strength training 3-5 days a week. I had to be reminded to walk the dog. All exercise went to the wayside.

So this is where I’m starting from. You won’t find any “before” and “after” pictures here, but it’s suffice to say that when I look in the mirror, I’m not saying, “Hey honey, come here, check out these abs.”

Instead, I’m saying, “Hey honey, come here, do I look fat to you?”

I will tell you that my goal is to be in a speedo this August (I can do this and so can you).

So, that’s my story, and now you know where I’m picking up the pieces.

The very first call to action is to get back to the vital four requirements of health.

I recommend keeping a logbook for one week or longer to register how many glasses of water you’ve drank what you’ve had to eat and at what time during the day and the time you’ve gone to bed and time you’ve awaken.

The point is to be aware and change bad habits into good habits. To do so, awareness is the first key.

Follow the link as I discuss a Longevity Health Plan, and other  important things to keep in mind as you get back into cardio-vascular & strength training shape.

The Best Vitamin: Does it Exist?

What is the best vitamin?

Why does choosing a vitamin supplement have to be so hard?  There are wholesale vitamins, health food vitamins, herbal vitamins…everything claiming to be the best multivitamin and “all-in-one”.

I imagine a bottle with inferior ingredients and ground up rocks thrown in, to be marketed as the “All in One with All You Need”.  Since there are thousands of multivitamin supplements claiming to be the best vitamin, how on earth are we supposed to know if we are doing our body a favor?  Dietary supplements are not regulated.  Know what you’re getting.

Are You Taking a Natural or Synthetic Vitamin?

If it comes from Wal-mart, the grocery, or drug store, chances are you have a synthetic product.  You really do get what you pay for, and it’s usually not very healthy. Think “smart nutrition“. Most of the synthetic ingredients come from overseas.  There’s no quality assurance there.  Need I say more?

Despite what some will tell you, synthetic nutrients created in a lab cannot measure up to the thousands of organic compounds found in our food that have nutritional significance. Our body does actually know the difference.

But if you want to know the difference:  for example, natural vitamin D is cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), where as synthetic ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). For vitamin E, natural is d-alpha tocopherol, and synthetic is dl-alpha tocopherol.

Comparing Ingredients in Vitamin Supplements

Be aware that the way the potency of supplements may be represented can be very misleading.  There’s a list for amount of ingredients, and then there’s a list for amount of active ingredients. The synergy of the ingredients and how well they work together is something that is addressed by the manufacturer and passed on to you.  Research the company who manufacturers your vitamin products so you have trust in what they pass along to you.

Then you need to be concerned about the potency of the supplements.  Have they been tested to contain the amount and potency that is listed?  The best vitamin for you will be glad to brag about testing, manufacturing methods, and integrity.  Lack of synthetic ingredients, fillers, and binders, will be listed on the product. You will want to avoid preservatives, starches, and sugars; to name a few.

You will run across vitamin products containing antioxidants, and phytonutrients.  They will be listed on the label.  You may benefit from proprietary blends of herbal vitamins that include digestive enzymes, herbs, and whole food blends of vitamins, that are specifically blended for male or female at certain life stages.

Proper Absorption in the Best Multivitamin

Some vitamin supplements have ingredients that are absorbed best when taken with food, and some are destroyed by stomach acids.  Most vitamin supplements that are not whole food supplements are isolated vitamins and should be taken with food in order to absorb the nutrients properly.

A type of capsule that dissolves completely is the preferred vegetable capsule, or gelatin capsule.  This way, you can be sure to avoid the type of supplement known as the “bed pan bullet” that all hospital personnel speak of.    Note:  Avoid hard-packed vitamins.

Some supplements may have a coating, called an enteric coating, which allows the supplement to make it through the stomach intact and be absorbed in the small intestine, where proper absorption of nutrients occurs.  Most of them that I have run across are simply sprayed on chemicals or plastics…so beware.

Minerals, Amino acids, should be chelated, which means they are attached to a protein and enhances their bioavailability by as much as 400%.   Minerals, which may be just ground up rocks, are difficult for your body to absorb.  How absorbable, or bioavailable the nutrients are, is an important consideration.  Do some quick research on which natural vitamin sources are best.

What Should the Best Vitamin Contain?

One thing to note is that one pill cannot contain it all.  Calcium is a very important nutrient and you will have to take a calcium supplement on its own because of its size. The same goes for Omega 2 fatty acids.  You will need to take certain supplements on the side if you expect them to be effective.

For fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, E and K, you should avoid taking over 100% of the RDA in most cases, because of the possibility that these vitamins can be stored in the body more easily than water soluble vitamins.

How many capsules of the “best vitamin” are you taking?  It would be hard to put everything your body needs daily into one capsule.  The number of capsules needed daily for a single dose is a good indication of quality of nutrients.  One capsule cannot contain all a “best multivitamin” should contain.

Why Should You Even Look for the Best Multivitamin?

I run across those that say, “I get all my vitamins from food”. This could be true in another country, perhaps.  But in the US, because of our poor soils, foods don’t have the vitamins and minerals that they had 40 or 50 years ago.

In U. S. Department of Agriculture studies of 50,000 people in the 1980’s, not one person was getting the RDA of the 10 essential vitamins, with the RDA being a minimum requirement.

Time to Find the Best Vitamin

When it comes time to find a better vitamin, look into companies you trust for quality of manufacturing, reputation, and a fair price for what you get.  Call and ask questions and read labels.  Check to make sure you are not doubling up on supplements by taking extra.  And, do your best to eat whole foods that contain thousands of phytonutrients that companies cannot bottle, instead of using supplements like a bandaid.

The best vitamin for you will fill holes in your diet and ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs.

Lower Cholestrol: Supplements and Foods to Avoid High Cholesterol

Facts are that around 16% of Americans have high cholestrol.  In my opinion, I estimate the numbers are much higher, although I do not think all high cholestrol is bad cholesterol.  Read on to get a feel for what your cholesterol concerns should be; how to lower cholestrol if need be to a normal cholesterol level, and how to use supplements and foods to avoid high cholesterol.oatmeal

Millions of Americans take statin drugs in order to lower cholestrol because elevated cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease.  Clinical trials on statin drugs (cholesterol-lowering drugs) were involved in changing the guidelines as to what the optimal range of LDL (bad cholesterol) should be…..less than 70mg.  It is seen by physicians and scientists to be excessively low since it is difficult to find a patient, healthy or not, with a LDL levels under 100mg.  Funny how the authors of the new guidelines were found to have financial ties to statin drug manufacturers!

The Low Down on Statin Drugs

Statin drugs were developed in the 1980s to stop the body’s synthesis of cholesterol.  They have many side effects; with most of them being negative.  Lipitor is the most well known statin drug…and not for good reasons.  The most dangerous side effects are muscle and joint pain, permanent muscle and nerve damage, and liver failure.  Also, statin drugs deplete the body of CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10); an antioxidant naturally produced by the body that protects the heart by increasing oxygenation, and possibly protecting against heart attacks.   If you take statin drugs, you may want to consider taking a CoQ10 supplement.

Statin drugs have been found to be beneficial by reducing inflammation.  Yes, one little line of positive benefits.

If you want to lower cholestrol, look into supplements and foods to avoid high cholesterol.

Although your doctor will suggest a drug, there are many ways you can lower your cholesterol levels yourself;  if indeed they are really high.  Some people may be  genetically predisposed to high cholestrol levels and may have trouble lowering levels with dietary changes and supplements.

What may be considered high cholestrol levels? Total cholesterol over 240mg or LDL over 150mg.  With dietary changes, you could see changes in your levels within 8 weeks.  Combine dietary changes; foods that lower cholesterol naturally with natural supplements for added results.

Dietary Changes that Lower Cholestrol

Reduce saturated fats; found in red meat; high fat dairy products (Grass-fed beef is a healthier choice).

Avoid trans fats (partially hydrogenated products) which are hid in margarines, packaged food products, crackers, and baked goods.  Trans fats raise your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels:  the opposite of what you want.

Boost heart and brain health by adding Omega-3 fatty acids into your diet by supplements or researching which fish choices are lowest in mercury and contaminants.

Eat more fruits and vegetables that contain fiber that lowers cholesterol, and consume more soluble fiber such as beans, oats, peas, apples, barley, and pears.  You’ve heard it all before.  A bowl of oatmeal a day can possibly reduce your cholesterol; and it’s so yummy!

Enjoy a handful of walnuts, pistachios,  and almonds daily to help lower cholestrol.   Plus, healthy nuts have so many other health benefits and work as a natural appetite suppressant by satisfying hunger.

Use smart nutrition to lower cholestrol naturally.

*Exercise and lose body fat.

Naturally Lower Cholestrol with Supplements

Niacin – While drug companies are working toward a new drug that can raise HDL levels, you can do so naturally by adding Niacin (Vitamin B-3) to your diet to boost HDL and lower LDL.  A side effect of adding Niacin to your diet is the Niacin Flush…harmless but alarming the first time it occurs.  Just build up to a therapeutic dose of  2000mg/day of Nicotinic Acid, not Niacinamide, after checking with your doctor.

Omega-3 Fish Oil – Use pure, pharmaceutical grade fish oil that has been tested (check out the IFOS, the International Fish Oil Standards organization) to contain 2.5 grams of long chain Omega-3 fatty acids per day, as a maintenance dose.  Consuming the right fish oil, in the right amount, containing the correct ratio of EPA/DHA for optimal health is tricky.  Don’t just take any old fish oil.  You need to know exactly what is in it, and what is not.

Lower Cholestrol with Food

Oranges – Oranges are rich in soluble fiber (pectin), that traps cholesterol in the sticky fiber and carries it out of your body.  One medium orange provides about 4 grams of soluble fiber and you get the Vitamin C.  No juicing allowed.  You’ll have to eat the orange.

Dark Chocolate – Dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cacao, and no unhealthy additives or fillers, can help lower cholestrol and blood pressure.

Sardines – Sardines are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.  You go right ahead …. I think you can find the little cans with extra virgin olive oil.

Oats – Choose oatmeal that is unprocessed; not quick cooking oatmeal.  Try steel cut oats, create oat flour in your food processor, and enjoy it everyday for lower cholestrol.

Pistachio Nuts – Pistachios are full of phytosterols that block cholesterol, and include fiber, and antioxidants.  Choose nuts without the red dye.

Beans and Lentils – Both are full of soluble fiber and a good source of protein, B vitamins, and iron.  Black beans have the highest amount of fiber.

Red Grapefruit – Red grapefruit lowers LDL cholesterol in people who do not respond well to statin drugs.  Choose red, not white.

Statin drugs do lower cholestrol.  I just think there are safer ways to go about it.  You can improve your health, save some money, and possibly live a longer, healthier life by choosing to take control of your health using natural method, before choosing a drug.

Would you choose to lower your cholesterol using natural methods first, or second?

Leave your comments here.

Turmeric: Health Benefits Plenty

Turmeric is a spice from a perennial shrub found in India; is used to make Curry, and it’s yellow; very yellow.curry_powder

Besides being known as the yellow compound in Curry, Turmeric has quite a health reputation.   In Ayurvedic medicine, Turmeric is known as a whole body cleansing herb, and has much to offer in the way of health.

The active ingredient in Turmeric is called Curcumin; which gives turmeric its therapeutic benefits, its strong yellow color, and its pungent flavor.  As an antioxidant, Turmeric is about 8x more potent than Vitamin C, and has a huge list of natural health benefits.

Here’s my huge list of Turmeric Health Benefits.   Feel free to add to it:

Turmeric has thermogenic qualities:  boosts the metabolism naturally.

It reduces inflammation by increasing the production of a hormone that   decreases inflammation, therefore reducing joint pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

Turmeric consumption can eliminate the need for hydrocortisone and anti-inflammatory drugs like Motrin that come with side effects.

Protects and aids the liver in eliminating toxins by increasing liver detoxification enzymes.

Its high antioxidant activity helps to eliminate free radicals that cause premature aging, and help protect against diseases like cancer by preventing tumors from forming.

Curcumin, as a powerful antioxidant, stops the growth of certain cancer cells, and has proven to be particularly effective in the colon, where cell mutations occur rapidly.

As a digestive aid, turmeric helps to digest fats by increasing bile production.

Helps in wound healing and smoothes damaged skin.

May be an effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease by reducing inflammation.

Curcumin has cholesterol lowering effects by helping the liver to clear more LDL cholesterol from the body.

May help prevent Alzheimer’s disease by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain.  The inflammation forms plaques that harden and disrupt brain function.

spicesTurmeric side effects are low, and is considered to be a safe herb.

Normal anti-inflammatory doses for adults are about 300 to 500mg, 3x per day.  People with gall bladder issues or obstructed bile ducts should not take Turmeric.

When choosing Turmeric for health benefits, make sure to choose a high quality, standardized extract with at least 95% curcumin or higher….organically grown if possible, and unprocessed for full potency.  To enhance absorption, piperine (pepper) and bromelain may be added to enhance its bioavailability.  A coating will enhance absorption as well.

Choose pure Turmeric powder to cook with rather than Curry powder, which typically has low levels of Curcumin.  Be aware that heat destroys some of the health benefits, which is why you should consider taking an oral supplement.

Have you discovered a need for Turmeric?  Comments and recipes welcome!

Swine Flu Epidemic: Is it an Epidemic, or a Debacle?

I’ve about had it with this entire Swine Flu epidemic scare.  I haven’t really paid any attention to the swine flu epidemic news until the vaccine information started coming out.  Then, I paid close attention. We, as a family, stay away from most vaccines; believing that proper nutrition and good health will do just fine. Here I’ll share some new Swine Flu information to help you understand what a debacle this really is.
Dr. Mercola interviewed CBS Investigative Reporter, Sharyl Attkisson about a study she did on swine flu results, documented by each state directly on their H1N1 swine flu results.  I think it is extremely interesting to note that if the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) had cooperated, Sharyl would have been able to get all of her information directly from the CDC, who has this information as public knowledge, if you can figure out how to get it from them.

The Question:

Why did the CDC advise all states to stop testing and counting swine flu cases?

The Reveal:

Out of every hundred cases that were tested by each state, with lab-confirmed tests and not presumptions, only a small fraction were found to be swine flu; anywhere from 1% to at most, 30%.  The rest of the tested cases of supposed swine flu were found to not be any type of flu at all, but possibly some type of respiratory virus or infection. This study shows a very low percentage of any type of flu going around; and a miniscule percentage of actual swine flu.

For Sharyl Attisson’s full Investigative Swine Flu Report.

Why is Everyone Still Being Pushed to Get Vaccinated?

I think you know the answer to that.  There are, after all, some really big companies rushing to get his vaccine to you as quickly as possible.  There’s no swine flu epidemic, but there sure is a big push to get in line to get vaccinated.

All About the Swine Flu Vaccine

If you do a little research, you’ll find that the swine flu appears to be a mild virus that doesn’t seem to need Dr. intervention, in most cases.  Less than 1% of reported cases have resulted in death.  That’s extremely low; as we know that the regular form of influenza kills a higher percentage every season.

Most serious and deadly cases of swine flu recorded have been in the 30 to 50 year old group, with the majority already having serious health conditions like asthma, diabetes, and immune system diseases.

Billions have been spent getting this vaccine ready for you, and as quickly as possible with no testing to speak of.  There’s been talk about requiring my children to be vaccinated in the schools.  They are also targeting pregnant women with this deadly, untested vaccine.  By the way, vaccine manufacturers are exempt from any liability on the safety of their product.

Your body is well equipped to protect itself from harmful organisms that enter the body thru normal routes, like the nose, mouth, etc., but not through an injection.  This triggers a huge immune response when the body’s normal immune defenses have been bypassed. This doesn’t always go well for us when the body attacks organisms unnaturally.

What Does the Swine Flu Vaccine Contain?

1.    The antigen (active ingredient)

2.   The adjuvant (squalene, aluminum)

An adjuvant added to a vaccine is to boost your immune response to the vaccination. Adjuvants cause your immune system to overreact to the introduction of the organism you’re being vaccinated against.

Squalene, although naturally found in our body, is seen as invasive when injected, and is linked to inflammatory diseases, and autoimmune diseases when tracked in previous vaccines. Squalene in vaccines is linked to the “Gulf War Syndrome”.  That should sum it up. It took a considerable amount of time for diagnosis of the symptoms to be linked back to squalene in the vaccines, but government has included it in your swine flu vaccine.

The adjuvant, squalene, is being used by at least 2 of the drug companies (Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline) that are commissioned to produce the vaccine. We already know that aluminum is not an ingredient we need more of in our body.

Flu vaccines can also contain other chemical toxins: Thimerosol (mercury-based preservative),  ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin.

Say No to the Vaccine!

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself Against Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination?

If you live in the US, sign the petition to fight against mandatory vaccination laws that are being debated now.  It only takes a minute.

And visit the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)  to educate yourself on the risks involved in vaccinations.

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself Against Swine Flu, or Any Disease or Illness?

You know the drill:

  • Eat better:  eliminate sugar and processed foods
  • Practice Smart Nutrition: get the supplements you need that your food cannot provide
  • Exercise to boost your immune system
  • Raise your levels of Vitamin C and D to optimal levels
  • Get an adequate amount of sleep
  • Wash your hands often and keep your hands off your face
  • Reduce your stress levels or you’ll leave yourself wide open

All of these things keep your immune system strong and healthy.  Then, you’ll have nothing to worry about.  Most importantly, keep informed about vaccines and the health risks involved so that you can make an educated decision about how the outcome will affect you and your family’s health.

What’s Your Opinion on the Swine Flu?  Epidemic or Debacle?

Omega 3 Fish Oil Benefits: Are you Aware?

How can you possibly ignore the importance of Omega 3 fish oil in your diet?  You can’t.   fish_2Omega 3 fish oil contains 2 fatty acids that are crucial to our health:  DHA and EPA fatty acids. And, if Omega 3 fish oil benefits are so important, then why isn’t anyone paying attention?  There’s also the problem of consuming far too many Omega 6 oils and upsetting the balance of our nutritional needs.

More than two hundred years ago, your ancestors recognized the fact that cod liver oil was food for the brain and you were forced to take it.  It was also recognized that fish oil was the only treatment for arthritis, so what happened?   It’s my opinion, and new medical research shows it, that almost every chronic disease can be benefited with high doses of non-toxic fish oil; a natural health product.

Fish oil supplements are not a quick fix.  It’s a long term, life long pursuit to get enough of a high quality fish oil supplement; one that you can trust.  Many fish oil benefits are negated by choosing the wrong fish oil supplement:  a toxic one.  You can also improve your Omega 3:6 ratio by consuming grass-fed beef, which contains quality Omega 3s. Plant sources of Omega 3 contain ALA, which the body converts to DHA and EPA.

Fish Oil Side Effects

What’s to worry about it?   Try to get enough fish oil on your own and you may glow in the dark with heavy metals and toxins from mercury, and PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls: a chemical group banned in 1979).  Sad, isn’t it?

We can’t even get our fish oil from eating fish!  And don’t even think about eating farm-raised fish.  The chemicals used to treat those waters…..and what do farm raised fish eat?  Of course, it’s corn.  And we’re back to consuming more Omega 6 oils and throwing our body out of balance.

Fish Oil Benefits

If you’re low in DHA and EPA, your brain will suffer.  Low levels of these Omega 3 fatty acids have been linked to depression, memory loss, hyperactivity in children, risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, Parkinson’s, premature aging.…need I go on?   I’ve just touched the surface.

Most significantly, high quality Fish Oil has been proven to decrease inflammation.  Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints. Omega 3 fish oil can increase blood flow and reduce inflammation in the body.

How to Recognize Non-Toxic, and How to Pick the Best Fish Oil

You’ll want Omega 3 oils that have been sourced from a pharmaceutically-certified plant (there are only 2) and tested to be free of mercury, PCBs, and other toxins (preferably by an outside source).   Fact: Norwegian fish oil is one of the purest around and is considered the best fish oil.

Molecular distillation is a process used to separate the toxins from the DHA and EPA and maintain these fatty acids at high levels, in a pure form.  Add a little lemon flavor..  and no “re-tasting” is necessary.

The American Heart Association recommends consuming about 1000mg of DHA/ EPA per day for those with heart disease.  Use this as a starting point to select the best fish oil.  Note that 1000mg of fish oil does not represent 1000mg of DHA/EPA fatty acids.  Know what’s in your Omega 3 fish oil product.

Do you take fish oil?  Do you know what’s in it, or not in it?

Share your opinion!

Prevent the Flu: Take Vitamin C

This year, there’s a lot to worry about: Influenza/H1N1 debates everywhere; to be vaccinated or not.  That is the question.  I’ll suggest another route:  Good old Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is a natural immune system booster.  It’s not expensive.  It’s safe for everyone.  And children can chew it. That’s got to be better than shooting mercury into your body!     oranges

Why is Vitamin C effective as a flu preventative?

Almost everyone is exposed to the flu virus….somewhere, sometime, during the season.  How your body is prepared to handle exposure to the virus is the question.

Do you eat well?  Do you get adequate sleep?  Do you exercise?  Do you have good hygiene?  And the clincher:  how do you handle stress?

Vitamin C provides extra protection for your immune system. If you answered “yes” to the above questions (and you’re truthful), the odds are that you are well protected from catching a flu virus of any type.

What else is Vitamin C good for?

Vitamin C is actually a very important nutrient for body functions.  Besides building immunity, it’s a powerful antioxidant.  Preventing cell damage, strengthening cells and tissue, supporting collagen in the body:  all good reasons for making sure Vitamin C is in your body and your skin care!

Forms of Vitamin C

Ascorbic Acid is generally the form of Vitamin C that is most commonly found as an inexpensive supplement:   natural (L-ascorbic acid) and synthetic forms.  The acid can be tough on your stomach and your teeth, so look into other forms other than chewables, and when you take it.  All that acid can be good for kidney stones, though!

Non-Acidic Ester C , as calcium ascorbate, is a  patented form of Vitamin C; is gentle on your stomach; stays in your body longer and is four times more potent than regular Vitamin C.  The Ester C form of vitamin Cis a good one to take because of its potency, and who needs more acid.

The FDA requirement is only 70mg and is meaningless unless you need to know at what point you can get scurvy.  Plan on taking more. I would guess somewhere around 2000mg or so would do the trick.  Do your research.

Ascorbyl Palmitate is the form of Vitamin C most used in skin care. Look for skin care that contains various forms of Vitamin C that support collagen synthesis and are more shelf-stable than L-ascorbic acid.

Bottom Line: boost your immune system and flu defenses with Vitamin C, not mercury-laden vaccines with serious side effects and questionable effectiveness.

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