What do you need to improve your health? Use smart nutritional choices to clean up your diet and help you choose wisely when it comes to nutritional supplementation.

Lower Cholestrol: Supplements and Foods to Avoid High Cholesterol

Facts are that around 16% of Americans have high cholestrol.  In my opinion, I estimate the numbers are much higher, although I do not think all high cholestrol is bad cholesterol.  Read on to get a feel for what your cholesterol concerns should be; how to lower cholestrol if need be to a normal cholesterol level, and how to use supplements and foods to avoid high cholesterol.oatmeal

Millions of Americans take statin drugs in order to lower cholestrol because elevated cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease.  Clinical trials on statin drugs (cholesterol-lowering drugs) were involved in changing the guidelines as to what the optimal range of LDL (bad cholesterol) should be…..less than 70mg.  It is seen by physicians and scientists to be excessively low since it is difficult to find a patient, healthy or not, with a LDL levels under 100mg.  Funny how the authors of the new guidelines were found to have financial ties to statin drug manufacturers!

The Low Down on Statin Drugs

Statin drugs were developed in the 1980s to stop the body’s synthesis of cholesterol.  They have many side effects; with most of them being negative.  Lipitor is the most well known statin drug…and not for good reasons.  The most dangerous side effects are muscle and joint pain, permanent muscle and nerve damage, and liver failure.  Also, statin drugs deplete the body of CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10); an antioxidant naturally produced by the body that protects the heart by increasing oxygenation, and possibly protecting against heart attacks.   If you take statin drugs, you may want to consider taking a CoQ10 supplement.

Statin drugs have been found to be beneficial by reducing inflammation.  Yes, one little line of positive benefits.

If you want to lower cholestrol, look into supplements and foods to avoid high cholesterol.

Although your doctor will suggest a drug, there are many ways you can lower your cholesterol levels yourself;  if indeed they are really high.  Some people may be  genetically predisposed to high cholestrol levels and may have trouble lowering levels with dietary changes and supplements.

What may be considered high cholestrol levels? Total cholesterol over 240mg or LDL over 150mg.  With dietary changes, you could see changes in your levels within 8 weeks.  Combine dietary changes; foods that lower cholesterol naturally with natural supplements for added results.

Dietary Changes that Lower Cholestrol

Reduce saturated fats; found in red meat; high fat dairy products (Grass-fed beef is a healthier choice).

Avoid trans fats (partially hydrogenated products) which are hid in margarines, packaged food products, crackers, and baked goods.  Trans fats raise your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels:  the opposite of what you want.

Boost heart and brain health by adding Omega-3 fatty acids into your diet by supplements or researching which fish choices are lowest in mercury and contaminants.

Eat more fruits and vegetables that contain fiber that lowers cholesterol, and consume more soluble fiber such as beans, oats, peas, apples, barley, and pears.  You’ve heard it all before.  A bowl of oatmeal a day can possibly reduce your cholesterol; and it’s so yummy!

Enjoy a handful of walnuts, pistachios,  and almonds daily to help lower cholestrol.   Plus, healthy nuts have so many other health benefits and work as a natural appetite suppressant by satisfying hunger.

Use smart nutrition to lower cholestrol naturally.

*Exercise and lose body fat.

Naturally Lower Cholestrol with Supplements

Niacin – While drug companies are working toward a new drug that can raise HDL levels, you can do so naturally by adding Niacin (Vitamin B-3) to your diet to boost HDL and lower LDL.  A side effect of adding Niacin to your diet is the Niacin Flush…harmless but alarming the first time it occurs.  Just build up to a therapeutic dose of  2000mg/day of Nicotinic Acid, not Niacinamide, after checking with your doctor.

Omega-3 Fish Oil – Use pure, pharmaceutical grade fish oil that has been tested (check out the IFOS, the International Fish Oil Standards organization) to contain 2.5 grams of long chain Omega-3 fatty acids per day, as a maintenance dose.  Consuming the right fish oil, in the right amount, containing the correct ratio of EPA/DHA for optimal health is tricky.  Don’t just take any old fish oil.  You need to know exactly what is in it, and what is not.

Lower Cholestrol with Food

Oranges – Oranges are rich in soluble fiber (pectin), that traps cholesterol in the sticky fiber and carries it out of your body.  One medium orange provides about 4 grams of soluble fiber and you get the Vitamin C.  No juicing allowed.  You’ll have to eat the orange.

Dark Chocolate – Dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cacao, and no unhealthy additives or fillers, can help lower cholestrol and blood pressure.

Sardines – Sardines are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.  You go right ahead …. I think you can find the little cans with extra virgin olive oil.

Oats – Choose oatmeal that is unprocessed; not quick cooking oatmeal.  Try steel cut oats, create oat flour in your food processor, and enjoy it everyday for lower cholestrol.

Pistachio Nuts – Pistachios are full of phytosterols that block cholesterol, and include fiber, and antioxidants.  Choose nuts without the red dye.

Beans and Lentils – Both are full of soluble fiber and a good source of protein, B vitamins, and iron.  Black beans have the highest amount of fiber.

Red Grapefruit – Red grapefruit lowers LDL cholesterol in people who do not respond well to statin drugs.  Choose red, not white.

Statin drugs do lower cholestrol.  I just think there are safer ways to go about it.  You can improve your health, save some money, and possibly live a longer, healthier life by choosing to take control of your health using natural method, before choosing a drug.

Would you choose to lower your cholesterol using natural methods first, or second?

Leave your comments here.

Turmeric: Health Benefits Plenty

Turmeric is a spice from a perennial shrub found in India; is used to make Curry, and it’s yellow; very yellow.curry_powder

Besides being known as the yellow compound in Curry, Turmeric has quite a health reputation.   In Ayurvedic medicine, Turmeric is known as a whole body cleansing herb, and has much to offer in the way of health.

The active ingredient in Turmeric is called Curcumin; which gives turmeric its therapeutic benefits, its strong yellow color, and its pungent flavor.  As an antioxidant, Turmeric is about 8x more potent than Vitamin C, and has a huge list of natural health benefits.

Here’s my huge list of Turmeric Health Benefits.   Feel free to add to it:

Turmeric has thermogenic qualities:  boosts the metabolism naturally.

It reduces inflammation by increasing the production of a hormone that   decreases inflammation, therefore reducing joint pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

Turmeric consumption can eliminate the need for hydrocortisone and anti-inflammatory drugs like Motrin that come with side effects.

Protects and aids the liver in eliminating toxins by increasing liver detoxification enzymes.

Its high antioxidant activity helps to eliminate free radicals that cause premature aging, and help protect against diseases like cancer by preventing tumors from forming.

Curcumin, as a powerful antioxidant, stops the growth of certain cancer cells, and has proven to be particularly effective in the colon, where cell mutations occur rapidly.

As a digestive aid, turmeric helps to digest fats by increasing bile production.

Helps in wound healing and smoothes damaged skin.

May be an effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease by reducing inflammation.

Curcumin has cholesterol lowering effects by helping the liver to clear more LDL cholesterol from the body.

May help prevent Alzheimer’s disease by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain.  The inflammation forms plaques that harden and disrupt brain function.

spicesTurmeric side effects are low, and is considered to be a safe herb.

Normal anti-inflammatory doses for adults are about 300 to 500mg, 3x per day.  People with gall bladder issues or obstructed bile ducts should not take Turmeric.

When choosing Turmeric for health benefits, make sure to choose a high quality, standardized extract with at least 95% curcumin or higher….organically grown if possible, and unprocessed for full potency.  To enhance absorption, piperine (pepper) and bromelain may be added to enhance its bioavailability.  A coating will enhance absorption as well.

Choose pure Turmeric powder to cook with rather than Curry powder, which typically has low levels of Curcumin.  Be aware that heat destroys some of the health benefits, which is why you should consider taking an oral supplement.

Have you discovered a need for Turmeric?  Comments and recipes welcome!