What is everyone talking about in the health world? You’ll find it here.

Liquid Collagen – Youth in a Glass?

Why do we want it?

Research shows that liquid collagen has impressive benefits for our hair, skin and nails. That’s all we needed to hear for “us ladies” to be focused on the “skin” part of that benefit…mostly. Who doesn’t want to support their facial skin from the inside out and have the added benefit of great hair, nails, and joint protection? If you don’t need to “read” about it, go to the bottom of this post and “act” on it.

Liquid Collagen
Liquid Collagen

What is liquid collagen anyway?

It is a protein; protein peptides to be exact, suspended in liquid. Collagen is what gives our skin its elasticity and support structure, and provides joints, tendons, ligaments with that same support.

These collagen proteins are hydrolyzed and broken down into amino acids, or peptides, so the body can absorb them better. Hydrolyzed proteins are the way to go for maximum absorbability. Since collagen is really just amino acids, find one that has a full profile of amino acids. Moreover, collagen from grass fed cows has proven to have a fuller amino acid profile from those that are not grass fed, and bovine collagen is type I collagen.

But liquid collagen is not just hype geared towards women wanting to appear more youthful; there is science behind it. Thousands of clinical studies show positive results from supplementing with collagen. Important to note, our natural collagen production slows down after the age of 30, and slowly plummets. Supplementation becomes necessary to maintain collagen levels and achieve a more youthful appearance. No, we don’t have to, we choose to. And it’s really not something you can get too much of. It is a protein, and you can certainly get too much protein, but a collagen supplement is not going to be an overdose for you unless you use it unnaturally; like the equivalent of eating 20 steaks at one time or consuming an entire cannister of protein powder at one time. Who does that? So, safety is not an issue.

How we use liquid collagen

Firstly, we double up on our collagen supplementation for the first 30 days so that we can get our body back to a baseline of collagen production, for a good start. By taking 2 tablespoons of liquid collagen per day, after the first 30 days, you are giving your body what it needs to support your skin, hair and nails, and do a repair job for us older folks. Liquid collagen is an easy way to get your collagen in, readily bio-available, “down it and done”, and not have to worry about finding some beverage to put a powder in; hope it dissolves, and hope it tastes good, and drink it all. This is only one of the reasons that liquid trumps powder. Oh, and we also add hyaluronic acid for skin plumpness from the inside out. But that’s for another discussion. Good stuff.

Bottom line: Because it’s a protein, collagen supports hair and nails as well, but sagging and lack of support is most evident in the face, so we pay more attention to that. Type I liquid collagen is best for skin, hair and nails. If you include several types of collagen, you are essentially watering down your focus. For vanity reasons, we’re putting our best face forward 🙂

Ready to order?

GO HERE, within this website, See GLOW Liquid Collagen. This is the one we use to nudge time backwards, and our age rhymes with “tricks zero” and then some.

You will see an Ordering Tutorial, and Before & After Section.

We’re here to help. Use the Contact page to tell us how we can help and we’ll get in touch within 24 hours. And if you want to order now and contact us later…. Order here: www.tranont.com/minebydesign.

Becky and Patti

Health Becomes You, from the Inside Out.

Swine Flu Epidemic: Is it an Epidemic, or a Debacle?

I’ve about had it with this entire Swine Flu epidemic scare.  I haven’t really paid any attention to the swine flu epidemic news until the vaccine information started coming out.  Then, I paid close attention. We, as a family, stay away from most vaccines; believing that proper nutrition and good health will do just fine. Here I’ll share some new Swine Flu information to help you understand what a debacle this really is.
Dr. Mercola interviewed CBS Investigative Reporter, Sharyl Attkisson about a study she did on swine flu results, documented by each state directly on their H1N1 swine flu results.  I think it is extremely interesting to note that if the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) had cooperated, Sharyl would have been able to get all of her information directly from the CDC, who has this information as public knowledge, if you can figure out how to get it from them.

The Question:

Why did the CDC advise all states to stop testing and counting swine flu cases?

The Reveal:

Out of every hundred cases that were tested by each state, with lab-confirmed tests and not presumptions, only a small fraction were found to be swine flu; anywhere from 1% to at most, 30%.  The rest of the tested cases of supposed swine flu were found to not be any type of flu at all, but possibly some type of respiratory virus or infection. This study shows a very low percentage of any type of flu going around; and a miniscule percentage of actual swine flu.

For Sharyl Attisson’s full Investigative Swine Flu Report.

Why is Everyone Still Being Pushed to Get Vaccinated?

I think you know the answer to that.  There are, after all, some really big companies rushing to get his vaccine to you as quickly as possible.  There’s no swine flu epidemic, but there sure is a big push to get in line to get vaccinated.

All About the Swine Flu Vaccine

If you do a little research, you’ll find that the swine flu appears to be a mild virus that doesn’t seem to need Dr. intervention, in most cases.  Less than 1% of reported cases have resulted in death.  That’s extremely low; as we know that the regular form of influenza kills a higher percentage every season.

Most serious and deadly cases of swine flu recorded have been in the 30 to 50 year old group, with the majority already having serious health conditions like asthma, diabetes, and immune system diseases.

Billions have been spent getting this vaccine ready for you, and as quickly as possible with no testing to speak of.  There’s been talk about requiring my children to be vaccinated in the schools.  They are also targeting pregnant women with this deadly, untested vaccine.  By the way, vaccine manufacturers are exempt from any liability on the safety of their product.

Your body is well equipped to protect itself from harmful organisms that enter the body thru normal routes, like the nose, mouth, etc., but not through an injection.  This triggers a huge immune response when the body’s normal immune defenses have been bypassed. This doesn’t always go well for us when the body attacks organisms unnaturally.

What Does the Swine Flu Vaccine Contain?

1.    The antigen (active ingredient)

2.   The adjuvant (squalene, aluminum)

An adjuvant added to a vaccine is to boost your immune response to the vaccination. Adjuvants cause your immune system to overreact to the introduction of the organism you’re being vaccinated against.

Squalene, although naturally found in our body, is seen as invasive when injected, and is linked to inflammatory diseases, and autoimmune diseases when tracked in previous vaccines. Squalene in vaccines is linked to the “Gulf War Syndrome”.  That should sum it up. It took a considerable amount of time for diagnosis of the symptoms to be linked back to squalene in the vaccines, but government has included it in your swine flu vaccine.

The adjuvant, squalene, is being used by at least 2 of the drug companies (Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline) that are commissioned to produce the vaccine. We already know that aluminum is not an ingredient we need more of in our body.

Flu vaccines can also contain other chemical toxins: Thimerosol (mercury-based preservative),  ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin.

Say No to the Vaccine!

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself Against Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination?

If you live in the US, sign the petition to fight against mandatory vaccination laws that are being debated now.  It only takes a minute.

And visit the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)  to educate yourself on the risks involved in vaccinations.

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself Against Swine Flu, or Any Disease or Illness?

You know the drill:

  • Eat better:  eliminate sugar and processed foods
  • Practice Smart Nutrition: get the supplements you need that your food cannot provide
  • Exercise to boost your immune system
  • Raise your levels of Vitamin C and D to optimal levels
  • Get an adequate amount of sleep
  • Wash your hands often and keep your hands off your face
  • Reduce your stress levels or you’ll leave yourself wide open

All of these things keep your immune system strong and healthy.  Then, you’ll have nothing to worry about.  Most importantly, keep informed about vaccines and the health risks involved so that you can make an educated decision about how the outcome will affect you and your family’s health.

What’s Your Opinion on the Swine Flu?  Epidemic or Debacle?

Prevent the Flu: Take Vitamin C

This year, there’s a lot to worry about: Influenza/H1N1 debates everywhere; to be vaccinated or not.  That is the question.  I’ll suggest another route:  Good old Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is a natural immune system booster.  It’s not expensive.  It’s safe for everyone.  And children can chew it. That’s got to be better than shooting mercury into your body!     oranges

Why is Vitamin C effective as a flu preventative?

Almost everyone is exposed to the flu virus….somewhere, sometime, during the season.  How your body is prepared to handle exposure to the virus is the question.

Do you eat well?  Do you get adequate sleep?  Do you exercise?  Do you have good hygiene?  And the clincher:  how do you handle stress?

Vitamin C provides extra protection for your immune system. If you answered “yes” to the above questions (and you’re truthful), the odds are that you are well protected from catching a flu virus of any type.

What else is Vitamin C good for?

Vitamin C is actually a very important nutrient for body functions.  Besides building immunity, it’s a powerful antioxidant.  Preventing cell damage, strengthening cells and tissue, supporting collagen in the body:  all good reasons for making sure Vitamin C is in your body and your skin care!

Forms of Vitamin C

Ascorbic Acid is generally the form of Vitamin C that is most commonly found as an inexpensive supplement:   natural (L-ascorbic acid) and synthetic forms.  The acid can be tough on your stomach and your teeth, so look into other forms other than chewables, and when you take it.  All that acid can be good for kidney stones, though!

Non-Acidic Ester C , as calcium ascorbate, is a  patented form of Vitamin C; is gentle on your stomach; stays in your body longer and is four times more potent than regular Vitamin C.  The Ester C form of vitamin Cis a good one to take because of its potency, and who needs more acid.

The FDA requirement is only 70mg and is meaningless unless you need to know at what point you can get scurvy.  Plan on taking more. I would guess somewhere around 2000mg or so would do the trick.  Do your research.

Ascorbyl Palmitate is the form of Vitamin C most used in skin care. Look for skin care that contains various forms of Vitamin C that support collagen synthesis and are more shelf-stable than L-ascorbic acid.

Bottom Line: boost your immune system and flu defenses with Vitamin C, not mercury-laden vaccines with serious side effects and questionable effectiveness.

Your opinion?